Tools And Resources
Our complete set of calculators is listed below. Feel free to try them out as often as you like.
Our complete set of calculators is listed below. Feel free to try them out as often as you like.
If it’s just after tax season, this list will help you know what documents to keep an eye out for throughout the year and set aside. If your tax appointment is right around the corner, this list is a great resource to help you track down the right documents.
With all of the changes every year (and, of course, that’s especially true THIS year), filing your taxes on your own is not for the faint of heart. That’s even with nice-looking softwares on the market which purport to make it easy for you.
Social Security Numbers & DOB (including spouse and children) .
Child care provider tax I.D. / SSN and address.
Auto loans and leases (account numbers and car value) if vehicle used for business.
Student loan interest paid: Form 1098-E.
Early withdrawal penalties on CDs and other fixed time deposits
Personal property tax information.
Department of Motor Vehicles fees (only if including sales or property tax).
Sales tax on purchase.
All 1095-A Forms from marketplace providers (if you purchased insurance through a Marketplace).
Records of credits and/or advance payments received from the Premium Tax Credit (if claiming).
Residential address(es) for this year.
Mortgage interest: Form 1098.
Real estate taxes paid.
Estimated tax vouchers for the current year.
Self-employment income.
Self-employment SEP plans, Simple IRA.
Proceeds from broker transactions: Form 1099-B.
Retirement plan distribution: Form 1099-R.
Capital gains or losses.
State and local income taxes.
IRA, Keogh and other retirement plan contributions.
Medical expenses.
Energy improvements.
Education expenses (tuition and fees): Form 1098-T.
Adoption expenses.
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