That's a good desire; who doesn't want to see more numbers on their statements? But what if we told you there's something much more important than increasing your revenue?
It's called profit, and putting it first should be your top New Year's objective in 2025.
In one word, nope.
High revenues may be thrilling. It looks fantastic on a headline or a conference stage. However, unless you are a VC-backed tech company with a long runway, you cannot rely only on income. Real companies need real earnings to live and develop.
Assume your company generated $500k in revenue last year but spent $520k on costs. That puts you in the hole by $20,000. Not a pleasant place to be.
While it's tempting to pursue that large sales number, remember this:
The idea is simple: pay yourself (and your profits) first.
1. Create a second "Profit" account: When income arrives, instantly transfer a specific proportion to this account.
2. Pay your bills with what's left over: You'll be compelled to operate a leaner, more efficient organization since there's less to burn.
3. Make incremental changes: Begin small, maybe 1% to 5%, and progressively expand as your company adjusts to functioning more effectively.
If you've ever felt like you're on a revenue hamster wheel, going faster but never gaining ahead, this is your cue to get off. The new year is an excellent opportunity to take a fresh strategy that emphasizes your bottom line above vanity metrics.
Sure, some expenditure is inevitable, particularly if you want to grow. The difference is that you are strategic about your expenditure and ensure that it does not endanger your long-term profitability.
For a tech business aiming for a billion-dollar value, short-term income may be the most important factor.
Consistent profitability is crucial for small and medium-sized businesses to maintain stability, growth, and peace of mind.
Implementing a "profit first" approach might be challenging. But this is precisely why having an experienced financial partner is so important.
Reimagining your finances may not be as dramatic as introducing a new product or tripling your social media followers, but it will accomplish something much more important: it will safeguard your company's future.
Let's start 2025 by creating a lucrative, sustainable firm that is unwaveringly focused on your bottom line.
Here's to a new year in which your money account reflects your hard work. Cheers to profit first, and also to you!